Aboutme. ↟

  πŸ’• πŸŒ·Hi, I'm heather 

first of all, thank you so much for stopping by my blog, it means a lot. 
i am a manchester girl, who moved to Scotland with my husband to have an easy quite life, well it's not been easy but its been quite, i live in a village where there is a population of 3,361 which is insane compared to being from manchester. 

 well from as long as i could remember from about the age of 6 i started writing diaries, yeah little baby diaries about random things like what i did at school or with my friends and family and then carried on till i got too about 27 when i decided to write a bit more 'grown-up' and about all my struggles in life and living with my immune disorders. and then i found out a lot of people do blogs and you can read what they get up to in their day to day life, and thought wow i love this idea! but at the time i was a lot more into my graphics so i decided to bring them both together.. but i used Tumblr at the time and i wasn't sure i really liked the platform because they kept changing my theme every time i logged on it looked different because of the updates and then found this. wanna know more about my family then click here πŸ’Œ 

so if you're interested in reading about rambling thoughts about lifestyle, fashion, sadness, happiness, hauls and all that kinda good stuff  then you have come to the right place, please follow me on Bloglovin' it's under my photo on the main page 🌸 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I nominated you for the "Liebster- Award" , check out my blog for more info --> www.myglitterworldblog.tumblr.de
