Road Rage | Lap Of Honour | Full Throttle | Kiss Me Quick | Pole Position | In A Heart Beat |
Barry M have just bought out these cute pastel nail polishes and I am in love with them! and when I found out that I was gifted them on my birthday! I have wore them ever day since the colour I got matched my very loved hell bunny dress. as you see in a lot of my post! <3
these little beaut's are the speedy collection! which means they dry in second's ! which is amazing for me as I hate sitting around waiting for nail's too dry I want them dry as soon as they get painted on my nail's, I think these colours are perfect for spring and summer, too pair it up with your little denim shorts and summer tops..
I got about 3 day's out of them, until they started chipping a little bit in the corner and in that time I was running around on a photoshoot, cleaning, playing with little cute cat's and just doing every day stuff where your nails chip! I did add some clear nail polish over the top but that was just a cheapy. they do cost quite a little bit ( £3.99 ) But at that price you are getting a good deal and a good few days wear!
I really like the brush they have used for this range as for the black top coat that cracks forgot the name sorry! the little brush parts would get stuck on my nail and really mess it up when I had too peal the loss brush part, but this one is a little more thinner and doesn't fall apart when you have finished paining your nail's, THEY ARE PRETTY AMAZING! 10/10.
Lots of love's cuties xoxo
LOVE these! I need Road Rage in my life asap! such pretty shades x 3days wear isnt too bad either , my normal barry m last 1 day!
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They are super fun colours aint they! , there different prices where ever you go so worth a trip too your local shopping centre too get one <3 xx