Wednesday 5 June 2024

Catch up; where have i been?


Well hello there, I know it's been quite some time again hasn't it? my life has been very chaotic lately, and I am getting into a new mindset and big life changes. For my personal growth, I have been a different person. The last time we spoke was when I wrote my body confidence post and my holiday post. This post is more of a catch-up from the last couple of years because it's been quite a couple of years. we moved, we went on little adventures, and I reversed my diabetes you can read my diagnosis story here so let us get started! 


so it's been up and down with this disease since I got diagnosed with it in 2018 (maybe even longer), as I said in the last diabetic post, I thought my life was over I thought oh gosh, no sugar nothing? but it was okay! we made everything from scratch, I lost so much weight by 2020, and I felt really good.. was exercising, and only had to take 1 set of metformin a day! i felt so proud of myself, but then I got COVID-19. The only thing I could keep down was a little bit of food like whatever was in the house like a banana milkshake and chocolate spread on toast, basically whatever I got handed as I was living out of my bed. People were just saying drink this eat this and it was just wee snacks, not caring what it was. and because I got the taste of sugar I was having it bit by bit and it came back so bad, I have to take 4 metformin a day! so atm I'm having a hard time with my diabetes, so I'm going to have to go full no sugar again or I will have to start taking insulin injections which is very scary! but I know I can do it again I have gone into remission so i can do it again! watch this space I have an appointment soon to discuss my results for my mot lol, update I got my results back, and I HAVE DONE it again I have the readings of somebody who has prediabetes! so I have done it again I have gotten rid of diabetes, and the only thing that's come up is I have folate-deficiency anemia but I can fix that with folic acid-enriched foods, lately, I have just been eating shit lol, so I will be going back on my health kick so I will be doing an eating plan and exercise plan for anybody who struggles with this disease, and would like to reverse it! just keep your eyes peeled! it would even help anybody who wants to lose weight or be more fit. I've gottya! 

life in between moving house. 

so nothing has really changed drastically in my life tbh, I just have a different mindset, and don't worry about the things I cannot control, and to be honest, it really helped me with my confidence and health issues not worrying all the time don't get me wrong I still worry about things lol, but not as much as I did before haha! i have a health outcome in life, and it is such a calm feeling like I'm almost free from worrying,  we moved into our one-bedroom flat just me Tommy, and the cat, that's a story that we don't really need to know lol, family problems and all the in-between parts lol, but this flat has been a very much a to be continued lol, it wasn't the best as it was we need to move right now so we took anything we were given at that point so we have had to make it as much of a home as we can, but I'm really beginning to love this little place we have definitely put a lot of love into making it a home we want to have, after lots of money and tears it's looking lovely (I might do a little tour of all my favorite spots in my flat), I have even hosted some little get together here and I'm having another one this Friday with all my favorite people <3 so I have that, I even have a little garden I can call my own, that I have been working on lately while it has been warm, adding little things around, and going to be getting some cute little garden furniture just to add some sparkle and love, ( we do have one that a friend gave to the residence who live in my little community so we have been using that for when we have friends over or my family and we have somewhere to sit, I have even been having little picnics with my niece while it has been warm and that's been nice, just to be able to do stuff in my own personal space even if I do have little old people come and talk to me lol! i might start up my little 10 best photos in the month again I really loved doing that! so keep your eye out for that!! excited? yeah me too! <3 hehe.

Edinburgh. home from home. 

so for the last three years, we have been going to Edinburgh for the pagan festivals and it has been such an amazing experience, we have had the best time, and met some amazing people that we can call friends for life, and just being in the space of some amazing performers, and people. and just being in a very old city we always get an expensive hotel because we want to have such a luxury trip, we go every 29th April around my birthday so its always something to do, the first time we went I just couldn't believe my eyes! the signs, the beauty, and even the people. they seem like the most down-to-earth happy people. when you are at the festival you feel like you're with family it's such a welcoming atmosphere, like you have been with or around these people all your life! the first time we went was the 29-30 of April and this is called Beltain and we loved it so much! Here are a few images from our first trip there. 

the first photo is from the first Beltane pagan festival we went to, and the top right corner is the hotel we stayed in, and the first one is the prettiest street in Edinburgh called Victoria Street, which has so many pretty shops, and also a lot of harry potter bits inside the pastel shops, I will do a post just dedicated to Edinburgh when we go next which will be for samhain which will be 31st of October spooooooky seasons! It's what I live for lol, speaking about Spooky Season and samhain Edinburgh, read here for the announcement! because it deserves its very own post! <3 <3 !! 


yup! you read right I finally got dreadlocks after wanting them since I was little! I'm living the deadlock dream and I'm so excited to share the information with you, so since I was younger and saw some beautiful hippys and soul singers have them I've always had some sort of connection with them, always thought they are so unique and beautiful and gives people so much character, but never really thought I could pull them off and the thought of having my own hair dreaded made me feel very scared just in case I didn't like them once they were in, but as I got older I still want them, so 20th march it was my day to shine! i contacted a lovely lady called Natalia, on Instagram you can check her out here I promise you will not be disappointed, she will be able to make all your dreams come true by creating a lovely set of synthetic dreadlocks which she will just braid into your natural hair, she can either install elf locks or full locks, I went for elf locks this time just to be able to get used to them, the only things is you can only keep them in for 3 months until you have to take them out so your hair can breathe but you only need to keep them out for a week or so, I've had mine took out already but I will be having them put back in on the 14 of June and I really cannot wait.. this is by another lovely lady called Debbie you can message her here and she will be able to install your dreadlocks you have bought yourself or an old set you have ready to be installed, I will include a photo of my deadlock adventure below they are stunning!!!! ... the first set is the ones Natalia has installed for me, I will be having another set the same made for me next year and will be having a full set made! and then once I get the second set installed this month I will add photos to this post! <3 How much of a beautiful job has she done! <3 Please get in touch if you finally want to take the plunge into your dream hair, because girl you deserve it! i promise your confidence will be amazing! with your new hair, and once I took them out my hair was in amazing condition, so shinney and even 5 inches longer than before I had them installed within that 2 and a half months they grew 5 inches! how amazing is that? <3 

What to expect from my blog

  • Tour around my favorite spots in my house and garden tour
  • Something happened in Edinburgh! 
  • Country walks with photos
  • Edinburgh full post 
  • What made me come back to blogging 
that's all I really have for you atm, see you soon beautiful <3 

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