Sunday, 5 September 2021

covid-chronic illnesses.


When covid first hit in 2019 I didn't really think much about it and I didn't really think it would be that devastating to the world and humankind. it was good for nature when lockdown happened because the whole earth becomes beautiful and even in some places there were animals escaping the zoo and the sky was so clear with having no pollution. so it gave nature a big break too. but I just thought the world will get back to normal soon and nothing will be as bad as they said it was going to be.  but then with my health anxiety, I just thought oh no I'm the worse at catching things! whats if I get it and make somebody poorly gave it to my nieces and nephews and other family members so it really started scaring the actual ebby gebbys out of me! some of my family and I am anti-vaccine and some are pro-vaccine which was also scary because I could catch it. some of the people who have had the vaccine have been really ill but also some who are anti-vaccine might get covid and be so poorly. I didn't really socialize a lot because it was exhausting the thought of getting the bus or going anywhere. so really my chronic illnesses really made me be ready for lockdown. the whole not being able to go out really made me feel more at ease because I won't catch it. but then I really started missing my family members and I just had to facetime them. birthdays became really sad because you normally got to spend time with family members. we were standing well away from each other which was so sad for our little family members. so we did social distance walks which were fun and we got to find a lot of abandoned places. but my home because my sanctuary-my bubble-my wholeworld} so I wasn't really as bothered as other people would be because a lot of my family members are social butterflies. I know a lot of lives were lost, and people who were very ill so all the love sent your way! <3

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